Tuesday, December 10, 2013


So I am still here... not really doing much in means of treatment for Lyme. I am waiting to hit the lotto! I have the flu or had the flu which left me with a sinus infection. My vision is worse some days and better on others. I am still living in fear of this getting worse and wondering how I will get on in this world watching people who appear to be normal... heck... I appear to be normal, but you know what I mean? To think at age 24 all of this happened to me and I haven't lived my life the way I would be if I didn't have this horrible condition(s). I just wish someone would be willing to run extensive tests on me, study my brain, do something... I just pray that I can get my life back one day and truly get to live it. My vision therapist is very pro active to finding a resolution for me and I love that about her... I just wish I trusted that it was possible to help me by just wearing lenses and having vision therapy. I mean it's my brain that is producing the problem.. I am still waiting to hear back on the visual snow study... no news yet...

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