Saturday, February 8, 2014


So I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I have been scared as all get out over this newest symptom. I have been plaguing myself with anxious thoughts about not being able to travel, not being able to drive my son anywhere, etc., etc. Yes, I still have those moments, like tonight, but I have been having some decent days. I did recently leave my job after 8 years and that sucked. After that amount of time you get pretty close to everyone and they start to feel like family. I miss them a lot, but I have faith that there is a reason that my journey called for leaving the company. I am now applying for disability, but not expecting to win it, why would I, they have no clue what visual snow is let alone what the heck I am going through... that is what makes this diagnosis so complicated. My own family have no clue because I look so dang healthy on the outside. Even when I have horrible migraines I still appear normal on the outside... well almost. I guess I just wanted to come on and say... I am still here. I am still fighting this fight with an unknown opponent. I am still waiting for the results from the Visual Snow study to come out. I keep thinking... how did I get that chance to fly out and participate and more so how did I get visual snow. There has to be something good coming our way.... I can't explain it.. even on my worst days I still have a lit glimmer of hope that says we are going to get through this. To have my life back.... a million thank-yous wouldn't suffice. A Billion tears over an indescribable joy would be where I would be left.... I try to imagine that day and make it present. Here's to getting better!!! God Bless, Candi

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