Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lyme and Me

My brain.... oh my brain! I am given documentation that I have Lymes and yet my brain still tells me "NO, your answer CAN NOT be that easy... You see... you have strange visual symptoms that very few Lymies mention.... if you had Lyme why do you have those symptoms?" Oh yes, and there is also the obvious speculations that Igenex produces false positive (why anyone would do that, I dunno). Do I believe this... Not really, but I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt lol. I have seen a lot of stories with people who have tested negative through CDC Western Blots, like me, and then positive through Igenex and CDC WB, like me. I have also seen a lot of people who have tested negative through Igenex, but continued to treat and have gotten better. I am stuck in a situation.... because of my vision symptoms I am scared to treat with antibiotics because many VS'ers say their vision stuff started while taking ABX (Antibiotics). I am at the moment taking a supplement called Samento. I have noticed an increase in brain fog and have been very tired... but maybe that is the alcohol content in the product... not sure. I plan to soon as some other supplements into the mix and also get a book that recently came out by Dr. Horowitz..... If only I had a ton of money........

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