Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mayo Clinic

So I first want to start this post and let you know discouraged I feel after seeing Dr's. Today my Dr. of 15 years told me he has never in his life seen a patient with my symptoms and they are rare. Not to mention they are no way related to my thyroid disorder. This is fine, the Thyroid relation part, but discouraging that he, being a Dr. has never heard of my condition... without a name. I am willing to get the surgery, which has been requested, to remove my thyroid, but now I am afraid of what will happen with the anesthesia and my unknown neurological condition. Could it make my symptoms worse? Could I not wake up? No one knows what my condition is or why I have it, how can they tell me I will be fine going under???

Anyways, I have decided I am going to try to get into the Mayo Clinic. I know I just need to go and see if they might find something that I haven't. Isn't this what the undiagnosed should do? I guess so.. but I have little hope with that too. Now it's the decision on which one to go to. Should it be the closest one... or is a distant one more up to date with medical equipment?

I have been praying every night for a miracle. I know God can heal... I just don't know why he hasn't done so with me. This whole ordeal has left me numb inside and it's so hard for me to believe in much of anything anymore, but I stand true to my faith and have to believe that something good will come out of this.

My eyes continue to get worse... afterimages have lessened some, but still there and still bad. Visual snow has gotten worse to where I can barely see in the dark anymore. Trails are much worse... can hardly function outside of the home with lights. Light sensitivity still present. Now I have been losing weight like crazy. My normal weight pre pregnancy was 160... that was with working out 5 times a day. I have cut out gluten to help with migraines, but I am now 130 lbs. This sound extreme to me since I am about 5 foot 7.

Before I go to the mayo I am going to see a gastrointerologist to check for common things. I am also seeing a gynocologist tomorrow since my period is non stop. Maybe it's hormone related since after having my sons the migraines started, along with the snow/static.

Any who... had a horrible migraine last night... Not sure of the trigger... maybe working on the computer at work. I don't know what I can do to stay home. I can not afford it, but it's the only time I can really function. I pray that this is figured out some how.

God bless everyone reading this who has similar symptoms. Some how... God willing, we will get through this.

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