Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lymes testing and more

So I got my blood drawn through my Naturopath's office on Wednesday morning. It was sent off to Igenex that day. I am feeling a little so-so about the test. I honestly am not expecting anything to come back showing Lyme. I just wanted to rule it out since I had the positive Elisa. My next test I was to do is the co-infections to see if I may have something. I know that thing like CMV can cause a positive Lyme Elisa, so I want to get tested for that too. Also there are other things too that cause trip it into a false positive. I go to see the vision therapist tomorrow. I am hoping she has some exercises that she thinks may help me. I have some other odd symptoms I have found too that I am going to share with her. I have self diagnosed myself as having visual dependence. I think my eyes have taken over for my ears. That would explain why I am not stable when I close my eyes. I have very good night vision, but as far as my eyes go, it's tough.


  1. SkimOrDieGirl, my name is Philip. I am using my wife's account to post this message on your blog, so it might show her e-mail address, etc. We both kinda share it. LISTEN, I have read your blog and I have the SAME thing as you that started on May 6th, 2011. I woke up with vertigo, and after a couple years of getting TONS of tests done, I have been found to have BILATERAL VESTIBULAR HYPOFUNCTION, too! Now, you have written that you have ZERO function, and while I'm not at ZERO, I asked the doc how much function I had and he said if TEN is healthy and ZERO is none, then I have a TWO. They do not have any clue what has caused mine since I had never taken medication as you had. But, let me tell you, I UNDERSTAND YOU COMPLETELY!! This condition sucks and sometimes I need a FRIEND to talk to but I don't have one who understands. I mean, we look fine, so people assume we are, but as you know, WE AREN'T!! lol I would like to be friends if that's ok with you. I am 33 years old, a Spanish teacher (tough to teach like this, but I get through it), and again, just need someone to talk to who can relate. Looking forward to your response and hang in there!! I know it sucks!!

    1. Hi, Philip! I am going to email you back on the email you sent me :) Talk to you soon!
